Preliminary research on river channel evolution and comprehensive regulation of the upper reach of the Jingjiang River after completion of TGP Inspection report of the experience of construction and management on Shaoxing Urban Flood Control Project, Huanghe Grand Dyke and Jingjiang Grand Dyke 三峡工程建成后上荆江河道演变趋势及治理绍兴城防、黄河大堤、荆江大堤建管经验的考察报告
The Regulation and Requirement of the International Inspection and Quarantine for the Imported Meat Product 国外对进口肉类的检验检疫规定和要求
In the terminal inspection, the application of PDA Pocket PC, as well as RFID, GPRS technology, the traditional manual inspection work carried out reform and inspection data in the real-time transmission, greatly enhanced the regulation and accuracy of the inspection work. 在移动巡检终端,应用PDA掌上电脑的强大功能,以及RFID、GPRS技术,对传统的手工巡检工作方式进行改造,并对巡检数据进行实时传递,提高了巡检工作的规范性、准确性。
Including integrate and reconstruct the regulation of the main, introduction of accountability mechanisms, and actively guide the object to promote incentive regulation, establish and improve the food safety laws, standards, inspection and other means. 包括规制主体的整合重构、引进问责机制,积极引导客体、提倡激励性规制,建立和完善食品安全法律、标准、检验检测等手段。
In the unstructured environment, utilizing task-level regulation, the experiment of rubbing camera lens are realized based on dynamic visual inspection of operation scene. 对于非结构化环境,利用操作场景的视觉动态检测结果在任务层进行规划,实现了擦拭卫星镜头的实验。